Monday, February 2, 2009
Happy but stressful weekend!
When i wrote this blog, hubby already in the big apple city! NEW YORK!

When hubby got an invitation to witness FAT at North Carolina, USA..he was happy because all his hard work about this blade thing has been paid off...
First, when he gone for an interview at US embassy, he didn't get thru' (yellow card) because they wanted to process and investigate further on his application..It was damn weird because with the same document, his colleague able to get thru'(green card) the interview..

After no news for 3 days, on last Thursday evening he received called from US embassy saying that his application has been approved! Unfortunately hubby told me this approval kinda late because the blade is ready to ship over here...
I think he kinda de-moralized about this whole thing. Instead of being sorry for him, i pushed him to call his CEO about the visa approval...who knows maybe his CEO can let him go there to see the factory facilities...At first he kinda mad at me because i am supposed to calm him down NOT to PUSH him...again i told him why not trying because he spent too much of his time preparing the tender, quotation and soo on..i always believe this quote 'What comes around,goes around' if you did the right things, of course the luck will be by ur side...Then at last he agree to call the CEO around 7.30pm.. After having conversation with his CEO, like i said..THE LUCK is always by our side if we WORK HARD!..wallah..the CEO said YES!!!!!!! ..huhuhu.. i am sooooo glad that i able to motivate him!..i think i shud be a motivator instead of an engineer..hehhehee....(masuk bakul laa nih)

After got the approval, here comes the BIG stressful day - Friday...he has to be at US embassy,KL by, aound 6am he need to make a move from Kapar...
After that, back to his plant attended meeting (half day)..then back again to US embassy to collect his passport...around 7pm he called me that his flight to NY is on SATURDAY, 8.45am...fuyooooo...what a RUSH! Since this is the first time he traveled during winter, he need to get winter clothes, change money...and many things to do for less than a day....

Luckily i'm on my way back to Kuala Lumpur from Segamat..i able to reach at Kapar around 8pm..we rushed to Jaya Jusco klang to buy winter jacket...I realised that this jacket is damn expensive...he spent nearly 1k for the clothes..luckily it's claimable..
Then we back at home around some packing while he preparing his documentation for the journey..i told him to be ready on everything because US is damn strict..especially after september 11 event...

Since kapar is quite far to airport, we overnight at Gombak so Hilal can drive for us since i am tooo tired to drive early in the morning...we have to be at KLIA at 6am...We arrived at Gombak around 2am..slept for only 2 hours, then at 5.30am we started our journey to KLIA...

After he checked in, we had our breakfast at MCD...around 7.45am he ready to go in...this is the saddest part for me..because i'm gonna miss him soooo much...deep inside my heart i kinda worried because i still remember En azahar once told me that if we had a problem from start on Visa application..sure we had problem when we arrived there.. I didn't told him about the story because don't want to afraid him off..i was hoping that everything gonna be ok...

After we sent him...i went back to gombak to continue sleeping..letih oooo tido 2 jam! around 12.30pm i woke up , having lunch and went straight to my HOMETOWN - kuantan..i guess i miss mummy very2 much!

Around 10am sunday...i kinda worried because hubby didn't message me about his arrival at NY...he supposed to arrived at 6am (malaysia time)...i try to called him..get thru but he didn't picked up the phone. I sense something was not right...then i received his message saying that he was STUCK at immigration for more than 3 hours while his friend has passed thru immigration without any questions...
Only allah knows how much i worried about him..i can't even stand straight imagine him being questions and i even afraid that he might been sending over back to Malaysia....oh NO!...luckily when i called hunny & keane, they told me that it's a normal procedure because american loves to interrogate tourist especially was all because September 11... damn it...

I was relieved because hubby did called me around 11.30am saying that he able to get thru the immigration..alhamdullilah....

Huhh...that's why i posted the title 'happy but stressful weekend'....

To Nadzir, i am still hoping that your journey at US gonna be smooth...ENJOY ur day and Don't be demoralized but unnecessary event... I LOVE YOU SOOO MUCH!
posted by NADZIR & RAHIMA @ 3:30 PM  
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